Offer can be activated until: 04/10/2024
Would you like to have Spotify Premium, but don’t want to pay 11 euros a month?
There are two ways to get the Premium features and not pay the monthly subscription, one “illegal” and the other valid.
Method 1 (Not recommended)
- Pro: Easy and fast.
- Against: Not reliable from the point of view of the security and privacy of your data, if it is for your personal device where you have more or less important accounts and passwords (I strongly advise against it), otherwise if it is for a device that you only use for music playback and there are no accounts and passwords, it may make sense to use this method, moreover with the cracked apk you will not have the possibility to use the Jam function (nothing essential and it is still in beta, but if you want it the only way is to have the premium officially)
How to do?
Download an APK file from one of the many .apk example sites APKMirror, APKPure, but there are an infinite number of them like these, if you don’t know how to install a third-party APK (follow this guide)
Method 2 (Recomended)
- Pro: Di sicuro molto più affidabile dal lato sicurezza, per ovvi motivi, non installate app crackate da chissà chi, e chissà con quali secondi fini.
- Against: Leggermente più laborioso, ed ogni 3 mesi bisogna fare un account nuovo.
Di cosa hai bisogno?
1 – A new email account, the choice is yours there are endless services that offer email, if you have never subscribed to Spotify Premium you can use your current profile.
2 – A payment method where no fees will be charged.
Come fare?
- Register a new account at H&M, which must be different each time.
- Register a new account on Spotify, which must be different each time.
- Enter the H&M account section: go to Account and offers.
- Click Get Three Month Free Trial.
- Copy the Offer Code and click on the use the offer button.
- Click Start Free Trial, Paste the code they gave you on H&M.
- When it asks for your payment method, select your card, alternatively use a new PayPal account.
If you are worried about forgetting to cancel your subscription and therefore having to pay, you can immediately cancel your subscription by logging into your account or clicking directly here in any case the features of the Premium Individual subscription will remain on that account for 3 months.
If you need to do this for a new account, just use a payment method you’ve never used before, all you need is:
- Register a new account at PayPal.
- Confirm your email address.
- Add a payment method (can be the same each time, but the PayPal account must be different).
Enjoy your 3 months of Spotify Premium for free, and without worries.
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